How it Works
MyChartsOnline is an easy-to-use SOAP notes application designed specifically for chiropractors. Because it is an online application, you simply login to your account to begin using it.
  • User-friendly interface – designed for chiropractors, not techies
  • Ability to see and edit information from prior visit
  • Notes are captured in SOAP format and are customizable to your personal needs
  • Support for multiple doctors and offices
  • Easy for staff to access notes to send in with bills or for reviews
  • MyChartsOnline can be integrated with other office systems
  • Can be used on desktop computer, laptop or tablet device
  • MyCharts is a HIPAA-compliant software solution that is hosted at our enterprise-class operations center
  • MyChartsOnline works with most browsers in use today (Internet Explorer 6 or higher)
Our hosting facility is built to deliver a highly-available solution, 24x7. All data is backed up routinely allowing our customers to focus on their medical practice rather than concerning themselves with IT-related tasks.
System requirements
MyChartsOnline works with most browsers in use today (Internet Explorer 6 or higher, Safari, Chrome or Firefox). No additional desktop applications are required.
MyChartsOnline Overview
MyChartsOnline is a web-based, chiropractic EHR software that is designed to do one thing very well: capture the patient notes of chiropractors in electronic form. By switching from handwritten notes to MyChartsOnline, you will experience a huge advance in speed, convenience, and accuracy.

©2015 MyChartsOnline, Inc. Quincy, MA, All rights reserved.